


Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted

Calcometer helps healthcare workers keep track of distances and time they spend traveling by car between patients. Have a look at the walkthrough video.

The app models

  • User is the healthcare worker.
  • Patient is the person that the user visit for appointments.
  • Appointment is the event made by a user to a patient.
  • Trip the model containing distance and duration data for a given user in a given day.
  • Address is a geocoded address with Nominatim

The application calculates the travel distance and duration between patients using the Directions API by OpenRoute Service. The API returns a route between two or more locations for a selected profile and its settings as JSON. From the `summary’ of the parsed result, the distance and duration are extracted and displayed to the user.

This app proved to fulfill these needs:

  • solve a real life need with a simple and elegant solution
  • build a responsive full-stack app
  • share a high quality app with the open source community


  • Ruby on Rails 7
  • StimulusJS
  • Bootstrap 5
  • GitHub
  • Figma

Live website (whenever available).
Github page of the project.